Revamp your e-commerce website to Increase Online Sales
Are you eager to increase your organic search traffic?
If the answer is yes, then get set to experience the powers of SEO with us. While e-commerce websites might seem like a big headache to you, an effective architecture of information, best SEO acquisitions, and content marketing strategies can make a huge difference in your sales and revenue. All you need to do is focus on the overall appearance, the user experience, and the strategies that can make your sales go up within a few days.
Here we have discussed some implementable strategies, if adopted it will assist you in increasing your website’s conversion rate.
1. Make the website user friendly:
First let talk about us, if we are buying or surfing online how long you would be on the website which does not have proper navigation, easy buying option or call to action? The answer is not more than a second.
Keep your website simple and user friendly. Also, you can give a call to action button or chat boats for quick help. Keep your social media handle so that customers can trust you. Even if the customer’s intent is not buying then only he/she can browse your website and it increases the credibility.
2. Product Images, video and Description are Important Players
Another question for you is what is the main influencing factor of online shopping? I know the answer this time also, An Image. Online shopping is all about the visual experience. Put images and videos of the product to give a better idea to the customers. Put the Videos showing how to use a product or different usage of a single products, show the different angles of the product etc.
Description of the product plays an important role too. The second thing we look for after an image is description of the product. Description authenticates the assumptions that have made by customers from images of the product.
3. Create a Good Internal Link Structure
Internal linking is one of the strongest weapons in SEO. However, in order to achieve better search results, your emphasis should not be just on the ‘link building’ but ‘link architecture’. Apart from being search engine friendly, your internal link structure should be user-friendly as well. One of the ways in which you can do all this is by linking products to their respective category by taking into consideration both the user perspective and SEO optimization.
4. Focus on the Category Pages
If there are any other pages as powerful and important as the home page, they are the category pages. Treat all your category products as individual home pages that contain the relevant product data. Add emotional content on your category pages so as to connect them with your products. Be specific with your tags and strategies while sharing your products on social media.
5. Share User Reviews and Feedback
Did you know that featuring product reviews and testimonials on your website can increase your sales up to 18%? If studies are taken into consideration, around 40.9% of the customers give more emphasis on feedback and product reviews while making an online purchase.
One pro tip is to pick out some of your best reviews and showcase them on your home page to increase the credibility of your website.
6. Don’t Underestimate the Internal Site Searching
Even most of the experts at times underestimate internal site searching and as a result, end up in losing sales. Make sure that people who search with a wrong spelling, hyphenation, synonym, or error in spacing are taken to the appropriate pages. Track the keywords with which the people are searching for products on your website and also the revenue that they generate. Count popular searches, optimize your internal search, and test your website to get more traffic.
7. Prime the mobile view:
Most of the traffic on the e-commerce website is from a mobile device. Hence ignoring mobile devices can be a Himalayan blunder. Mobile devices have wrapped us around the fingers and that is why more than half of internet shopping is done from the mobile.
8. Create Your Content Strategy Based on the Search Data
Content marketing has become an important part of the SEO strategy to target and penetrate the eCommerce market. The best content is based on keyword analysis and research. Business giants who harness more profit and revenue only create content that matters to their customers.
It is not necessary that it have to be about your product but it can be about what is trending in the market, a topic that has been discussed on social media. The ultimate goal is to it should interest your niche audience.
9. Security is a Vital Feature
In this complete digital era people are concern about their finances as well as personal data. When customers provide you their details it is the responsibility to ensure them that it is safe to shop from your website. You can do this by putting the logos and texts that certify that you comply with the security standards.
We hope that these strategies will help you in achieving more traffic and generate more revenue for your business. If you want to connect with the experts, contact Reinforce Global Services, a Custom Software Development company